Increase Customer Lifetime Value

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New Customer Onboarding

Yeahoo! You have a new customer. Now, let’s make sure their experience is top notch! It could be that your product doesn’t require a lot of training, or it requires an extensive 1:1 training session. We can help you create content that helps all kinds of customers remember why they selected you:

  • New customer training content (videos, webinars, decks, tests)

  • Customer newsletters

  • Case study requests

Up-sell & Cross-sell

If your revenue model relies on up-sell and cross sell opportunities, your first impressions are critical to getting those additional revenue channels started. Often cross sell and up-sell require introductions into other team members and we can help:

  • Define additional target audiences for cross- sell opportunities

  • Price & package up-sell options for existing audiences

  • Develop email and content campaigns that support up-sell & cross-sell campaigns

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Customer Advocacy

Once you have a new customer, asking those folks to become advocates can drastically reduce your CAC moving forward. But you have to foster those customers to turn them into advocates. Once they become advocates, they will tell their networks about their amazing experiences with your company, making new customer acquisition easier than it’s ever been. We can help with:

  • Customer advocacy program creation & execution

  • Case study creation

  • Customer reference and referral program creation & execution